Smoothie recipes for colon cleansing and weight loss

Regular bowel movements are becoming increasingly popular among people who want to heal their body, maintain a good mood and be active. Cleaning programs are gaining momentum and have a wide range of products. Colon Cleanse Smoothies is an easy and healthy way to get rid of toxins and impurities.

fruit smoothie for weight loss

Smoothies made from various ingredients can be consumed every day, for example before breakfast. Individual intolerance of some components can be singled out from the side effects of the drink. The allergen can be successfully replaced with something else and find a recipe that matches all the indicators.

Basic rules for cleaning

  1. Recipes for body cleansing smoothies are composed in proportions that will allow you to get the maximum of useful substances, gently and gradually rid the intestines of toxins. You cannot exclude one ingredient or replace it yourself with another, if one of the components of the cocktail is not suitable, then you have to choose another recipe.
  2. Before the start of cleaning, it is necessary to carry out a two-week preparation, which consists in limiting sweet, fried and unhealthy foods.
  3. Fasting is strictly forbidden while taking cleansing drinks. Food failure leads to a decline in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, due to which the metabolism can slow down.

Many vegetables and fruits contain fiber, which helps to gently cleanse the body and restart metabolism. Consuming smoothies to clean the intestines of fruits or vegetables mixed in a blender makes the dish tastier and more enjoyable. Preparation of such drinks takes little time, the main thing is to follow the rules:

  1. A smoothie can contain a maximum of 5 ingredients, no more.
  2. Honey can be added for flavoring, in no case should sugar be used.
  3. The cocktail must be well ground and blended, the juice of the components must be mixed with each other.

The main advantages of consuming plant-based smoothies

  1. Stomach and bowel cleansing helps in the weight loss process by speeding up metabolism.
  2. Normalization of the digestive organs.
  3. Strengthening hair, nails, cleansing the skin from rashes.
  4. A feeling of lightness and a rush of energy.
  5. Solid and healthy sleep.

Properly chosen recipe can work wonders, heal the body, replenish it with vitamins of live fruits and vegetables, cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins.

Cabbage + apple + banana + primrose

green smoothie for weight loss

In a blender bowl you should put a peeled apple, a banana without peel, a cup of cabbage leaves (get rid of tough veins) and chopped ½ cups of parsley.

Finely chop all the components in a blender, if there is not enough liquid, then you can add ½ glasses of clean water to make it easier to drink. You can drink this cocktail every day until you get bored, preferably half an hour before eating on an empty stomach.

Banana + yogurt + oatmeal

smoothie made from banana oatmeal

This colon cleansing recipe is suitable for people who have no problems digesting lactose and fiber. Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal, they also call it cosmetic porridge, because the fibers and fibers contained in it act as a massage of the intestinal walls, which increases peristalsis.

In a blender, mix: peeled banana, 5 tablespoons oatmeal and ½ cups of white yogurt without sugar. Grind everything well and drink with pleasure. It is advisable to drink the shake immediately after preparation, before the oatmeal is saturated with yogurt in order to achieve the effect of rubbing.

Broccoli + kefir + dill

parsley smoothies for weight loss

An ideal recipe for those who want not only to cleanse the body and intestines, but also to lose weight. Before mixing, boil 100 grams of broccoli, cut a bunch of dill to get ½ cups full and take 200 milliliters of kefir. Mix everything in a bowl and grind until a homogeneous mass is obtained. A little spice or honey can be added to add flavor.

Kefir + strawberry + banana + cottage cheese

strawberry smoothie for weight loss

This smoothie is intended to replace a full meal during weight loss. Ingredients are taken in the following proportions: 1 banana without peel, a glass of strawberries, ½ low-calorie kefir and ½ cups of grainy cottage cheese. Whisk everything in a blender until the kefir mass.

Apple + spinach + lemon

spinach smoothie for weight loss

Put a peeled apple, 1 cup of spinach, lemon juice and pulp and a glass of water in a blender bowl and whisk well until smooth. Banana is high in calories, so any banana recipe can replace your daily snack.

This bowel cleansing smoothie not only fulfills its original purpose, but also gives energy to the body for the whole day.

Garlic + parsley + radish + beets + carrot

vegetable smoothie for weight loss

Such ingredients are able to saturate the stomach, cleanse the intestines, endow the body with a bunch of vitamins without grams of sugar. Vegetables in cleansing shakes are most often used for weight loss and a light effect. For cooking, you need to take: peeled beets, 1 radish, 1 clove of garlic without peel, ½ cups of primrose and 3 carrots. Whisk everything in a blender until smooth.

Cleansing the body with these recipes is practically safe, however, before you take a smoothie, you must be sure that the person has no contraindications that may be associated with gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes and allergic reactions.